The Four Gods


strong minded vs weak minded?

The world is filled with unique people, with unique degrees of traits and abilities. But those abilities only shine through the character of the person.

Questions to know whether you are a weak- or strong-minded person

1. Do you often listen to others and don’t listen to yourself?

Strong minded people often listen to others rarely, and they believe to listen to what their mind says to them. While the weak-minded people often listen to others, probably due to lack of self-trust or lack of strong beliefs or opinions. At times, both are at disadvantaged, as the strong will not listen and fall willingly and the weak will listen and fall unwillingly

2. Do you like things to happen according to how you want them?

Strong minded people often want things to be in a particular way for themselves, and a weak-minded person doesn’t have any strong taste towards things being in a particular way. By this, the strong minded also try to venture doing things their way financial while the weak minded will not want any hustling, so they would follow what they know, even when they don’t like it much.

3. How often do you debate or argue with others?

Strong minded people always like to prove their point to be correct and would always want to get into an argument just to prove that what they say is right, they also show stubbornness this way. While the weak minded, mostly keeps their opinions to themselves and would often want to not get into an argument or fight. This trait is favourable for the weak minded often, but also leads to them being pushed more often as well. While the strong minded if fighting very often lead to becoming deserted by people and been turned against.

4. Can you bend people to be with agreement with you?

This is a trait very often seen in a strong-minded person and is used often. While it might seem advantageous at first, it does lead to a lot of disasters in the long run. While in the short term, people would respect and be loyal to the strong minded but with time, people would move against and even betray him. In the weak-minded person’s case, not having this trait is helpful, although people would often dismiss and neglect the person with time, therefore being a leader in something is a tough task for weak minded and strong minded equally.



It is better to use and have the traits of both the strong and weak minded in the mix. This way, it balances and equals out the disadvantages to the maximum and attain most of the benefits. ANYTHING EXTREME IS NOT GOOD FOR ANYONE

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