The Four Gods

About Four Gods

Every person has four gods who make the pillar of our life and desires. I’m Ronn, the host and founder of Four Gods, to help you level up our abundance and guide you to better live through the chaotic and fear oriented world we live in. This can be achieved by the concept of the Four Gods that make up our desires and being.

What is the Four Gods?

Four Gods are the four archetypes found in the human condition and our existence. These four archetypes not only make up the areas of life which we strive for in our lives but also lets us peer in our personality and being.


I call him The God of Finance, a Stern Decision Maker ready to make tough decisions in the face of adversity, who is all about living with purpose. He has a patient mind, very good at managing people. Many can look up to him for his financial capacity (as he is literally a king). He is the one holding the fort and is the mitigator for the other three of the gods. Many a times resolving conflict which rage out due to the differences in the other Gods perspectives.


I call him The God of Wisdom and Spirituality, a creative being with a sharp mind. He is very persuasive in his speech; he holds great wisdom and knowledge. He can come up with amazing ideas with his creativity and can give a lecture worth listening to with his wisdom. Although, he is not a very action oriented individual, he would rather bury himself in books or throw a magical party than go through the daily routinely grind. Many know that he does not get along with Warrior.


I call her The Goddess of Relationships, all kind of connections, be it romantic, friendship or family bonds. Her ability to communicate and connect with people is immense. Her empathy towards people is heart warming and she is very attached to mother nature. But, due to her empathetic capabilities, she tends to run away from conflict or not concern herself in conversations which might be triggering. The kind of person likes to be indifferent or silent than express her honest opinion.


I call him The God of Self Improvement, the guy who loves conflicts, pain and improvement. A hard worker at heart, very motivated to get things done and very loyal to ones he can trust. His hard-working ability allows him to master many combat arts with ease, conquer any area regardless. Although, words of wisdom take time to reach his ears, and words of knowledge are slow to fixate in his mind, he nevertheless persists. Due to his persistent, and hard working being, he can push himself too hard, making him vulnerable to stress, fatigue and burnout. It is a known fact that he does not like the Magician, as he doesn’t like to while away his time.

So, which one do you think you resonate more to? The one you see yourself more into, it is likely that you use and spend time with that particular archetype (God) more than the others.

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